ORGANIZATION: The Stones River Region is a local chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) which is dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and maintenance of automobiles. We use the term "automobile" to include all self-propelled vehicles such as cars, race vehicles, trucks, fire vehicles, motorcycles, powered bicycles, etc. that are gasoline, diesel, steam and/or electric driven. The AACA is an international organization with members in all 50 states and in more than 50 countries around the world. The Constitution and By-Laws of the AACA form the basis for the organization and operation of the club. It is incorporated under the provisions of the Nonprofit Corporation Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with a business office located at 501 West Governor Road, P.O. Box 417, Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033-0417. CLUB HOUSE: The club's headquarters is located in Murfreesboro's Cannonsburgh Pioneer Village on South Front Street. It is a 1920's era garage built and maintained by the club on city property. The garage doubles as an automotive museum and as our meeting facility for many club activities. The garage contains displays of auto related items and member cars. The meeting room is equipped with audiovisual equipment, a kitchen, restroom, and small library along with pictures of our recent activities, community awards, and memorabilia. MEMBERSHIP: Membership is open to all who are interested in automobiles. It is not necessary to have a car to be a member and participate in the club's activities, just be a "car nut" and enjoy the hobby. AACA provides a bi-monthly magazine, national shows and tours, and one of the largest and most comprehensive library/resource centers for restoration information un the nation. They also maintain a world-class automotive museum that is affiliated with the Smithsonian in Washington, DC, located in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and is free to all members and their families. National dues are $40 per year and local club dues are waived!. WHAT WE DO: We have monthly meetings that are designed to be enjoyed by all the members, their families and guests. They usually include a speaker or presentation about an auto-related subject or current community topic. The Board of Officers meet separately to do club business and all members are welcome to join in. Our annual business meeting is in November to elect new officers. Members usually come early and stay after meetings to visit, tell of their latest escapades projects, and swap helpful information as we enjoy some desert and refreshments. It is important to stress that we are a family-oriented club that seeks to do good things in and for the community and have a lot of fun doing so. The club sponsors many activities during the year to be enjoyed by their families and friends. They include "pot-luck" dinners, picnics, day trips and overnight trips, tours and theme-type parties. We have cruise-ins and car shows that support our club; contribute to and support community charities; participate in parades and displays of member vehicles, and participate in the activities that happen at Cannonsburgh. All of the members are kept informed of these activities through the club newsletter, Garage-Gossip, which is an award winning publication. Also, the Board members will communicate through the telephone committee the news that needs a timely response. We would love to have you and your family join us in our activities and the hobby of a bunch of folks who love cars. |