Monthly Club Meeting - Cannonsburgh Village

Our monthly meetings take place on the first Tuesday of each month at the Stones River Car Club clubhouse at Cannonsburgh Village in Murfreesboro, TN. Things begin at 6:00pm... everyone is welcome!


CENTRAL MAGNET SCHOOL is having their GOODWILL DRIVE on Saturday, October 21st from 7 am till 11 am. Central Magnet Car Club (Stones River Student Group. Last year the Central Magnet-Stones River Student Group earned over $500. So, Club members—Clean out your garage and closets and take it to the school on October 21st.. The money received is determined by poundage.

Harvest Days/Blacksmith Demo Days

Harvest Days Cruise-In October 28! The Cruise-In is from 9 till 2 p.m. Registration is from 9 a.m. till 12 noon. FREE ADMISSION—Trophies awarded that afternoon.

Trick or Treat

Cannonsburgh Village on Tuesday, October 31st


Saturday, November 18th. The parade is scheduled to start at 11 a.m. The theme for the parade is “A Grateful Nation Salutes Gulf War era Veterans.” More information & entry forms will be available at our October meeting at our club house.

Visit our Facebook page for the latest info and other events throughout the year!